A Railway though a Cliff ?
We have seamlessly wiggled a little bit further along the Channel shore line, just beyond the Somme basin and Verity has found a home for the evening in the very popular Aire of Le Tréport a huge drive of about 25km, but a complete change in the ambiance of the town.

Michele wants me to write ‘it was a quintessential French seaside town and it was open !’ – As a lover of using more words than needed to – I want to say that growing up in North Devon surrounded by perfect Victoria towns and villages such as Ilfracombe and Westward Ho! Both beautiful in their time, but now showing signs of aging gracefully, Le Tréport has drawn me in and transported me home.

The cliffs that embrace the town from both of its sides are supposedly the highest limestone and chalk features in Europe. They reach elevations of around 400 feet above the sea and their terrain dominates the shoreline.
But let’s be honest, Google the place and one thing that jumps out as the must see is it’s famous and very impressive funicular railway built in 1908. It transits through an imposing tunnel cut into the vast face of the adjacent cliffs.

It is there to transport people between the beach area below to the high town at the top of the cliffs and runs continuously all day. Each car holds about 10 people and it is free.
It is an exciting experience and not particularly scary and the journey provides some stunning views. – P.S. keep an eye out for the Goats
At the bottom is the beach , a pebble one predominantly at times of low tide, smooth sand can emerge in certain sections.
The ancient lighthouse standing on a promontory poking out into the sea is worth a stroll.

Le Treport is just one of those unpretentious sort of places and displays its humble origins with pride.