Romania first glances.
The journey itself proved interesting to say the least, we had in mind, stopping off in the wet lands area of Hortabagy but as we arrived at the car park, a market was in full swing, nothing like the tranquil wildlife area I had in mind, So we decided it was only another few km to the boarder……
Spying the unmistakable red and green bird of the French supermarket giant Auchen we couldn’t resist, to us Auchen reminds us of holidays in France, where supermarkets sell the most delicious and scrumptious looking food known to man kind….
With our remaining Huf (all of about £15) we raided the alises, I think this is hardest thing to do, if you ever need a challenge take a fixed amount to the supermarket and try spend every last bit !!
We had a tiny bit left, 30p worth.
Also some yummy bread stuff for lunch !
The road out of Hungary proved to be hard work, as I have lived in Devon all my life, potholes in the road are the norm, but I was faced with wheel swallowing sized holes, reducing us to driving at about 25km per hour for about 30km….
Our first manned boarder, we pull up to the stop line and scary boarder guard stares, do you think they go to some sort of college to learn that stare?
Well a few moments later, passports,driving licences and V5 all checked,
“Open please my workmates here he look”
So door duely opened, first thing he sees is a grumpy Fred dog,
“it’s ok”
No,no come in I say ,
“no you can go”
So Fred dog stricks again !, we made through in record time of about 5 minutes.
Job one acquire some cash? Anybody know how many RON to the pound ?
Using the camper contact app we spotted a small site just inside the boarder, perfect for the night and the huge cost of 20 Ron..,
The church too is an amazing mix of colours that captivates the eyes as soon as you see it !
Driving though the valley towards our overnight spot we were treated to views of the UNESCO world heritage wooden church’s, with their opulently carved gateways
We thought we had struck gold with a place to stay, but within minutes of taking the photo we were surrounded with Mushroom sellers, the lady was selling them as fast as her husband could forage for them, coupled with the ‘wolf’ like feral dog , moving on was a good plan !
So tonight Paloma is parked next to “The Carpathisn Forest Steam Train” (N 47.714610 E 24.442820) one of the last wood burning narrow Gauge stream railways still in daily use….. These days it operates mainly for movement of Timber, but they also operate a passenger touirst train ……