European motorhome Travel- Vanlife

It’s all about the people!

Paloma, our motorhome is still parked under the warm sunshine in the striking blue sky’s here in Spain.

Add that we’re both relaxed and the spainish are on a long public holiday weekend.

Bank holidays on Thursday and Saturday, anyone ?

The pace of life has dropped to an even slower rate, if that’s possible ?

On one of our many meanders around this cavenions site, getting lost among all the static van and rows of bungalows and discovering more and more motorhomes parked up we came across a fimalrier logo.

P.S. – have you seen the Video?

All of a sudden, I did that “I’ve read their blog!”

So a quick message was sent and an offer to join us for a vino or two was made .

My friends who aren’t bloggers seem fascinated by the concept of “blogger friends”. I mean, I can see where the situation seems a bit absurd, but these days people meet their loved ones on the internet so I really don’t get what the big deal is.

That being said, there’s definitely a bit of mystery (and occasional risk) in developing friendships on the internet.

This certainly holds true when it comes to meeting other travel bloggers.

And while I firmly believe that real, genuine friendships can be formed on the web, meeting face-to-face is still necessary to seal the deal.

I mean I’ve swapped loads of emails with others but you never know, do you ?

If like me, your a serial reader of loads of blogs you end up knowing where people have been, what they’ve seen, you get s sense you know them !

So what’s it really like to meet other bloggers?

Let me tell you…

When I first started blogging and interacting with other bloggers, it felt like I discovered a whole new sub- species of people.

A species just like me!

We liked to take pictures of every place we’ve visited, every road we’ve driven and post them on social media.

Come on it’s normal right?

We may share some things in common but that isn’t always a guarantee we’ll be the best of friends, or friends at all. But sometimes, just sometimes, you meet a gem….

First off was Mark from ‘where’s Frankie‘ –

more of a random meeting in a carpark followed by a glass or 3 and a night of swapping tips and tricks on all things motorhome

Next up was…

Wayne and Trish from ‘Kiwi Travellers‘ –

You guess from the name, they were from down under, another amazing set people with a different outlook on life .

Next was …,

Myles and Karen from ‘motoroaming‘ –

Michele was so happy to actually meet them and the setting was stunning perched high on a cliff side looking out at the sea in Bulgaria.

The latest in this line are Colin and Karen…

From ‘Rewind the Gap‘ –

Out on a year (hopefully 18 months) trip around Europe.

Somehow the lucky things managed to wangle the use of a brand new Burstner Van, umm note to self, must try harder!

Both in their forties,they started thinking there must be more we can do than be caught up on the corporate treadmill.

Sound familiar?

If you’ve got the time, give it a click through and have a read !

In all honesty these are just the motorhome bloggers, one of the greatest parts of travel for me are the people.

The fabulous musician Ken and his wife Cath, who I just invited myself to join their picnic outside the SOG factory in Germany.

The goat farmer who I spent time with looking for his lost animals, even when we couldn’t speak each other language.

The fisherman who brought us fresh mussels on his return from his daily chores.

The amazing Englishman who shared his last bottle of real ale.

The friendly couple, who instantly offered Tea and Biscuits, they didn’t know us, but the kindness formed a brief friendship.

An internet friend so passionate about Benicarlo in Spain, that he offered loads of advice on the best places to visit and the best places to eat

Everyone travels for their own reasons, but I suggest you try traveling for connections.

I know I do !


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