European motorhome Travel- VanlifeFrance

A visit to the vets in Loudéac

Paloma, is parked outside a disused railway station, ok that’s an unfair way to portray this aire, as it’s extremely well looked after and the surrounding artwork is cool as ! (N48.180540 W2.762750)

We had heard that loads of aires turn off the water in the winter, but I’m glad to report that so far on our way out of Spain, water has been on everywhere!

Time seems to have sped up, rushing by us as we meander up through the edge of France, only two days before our overnight ferry out of Roscoff.

We don’t really mind. We’re both now looking forward to getting home, giving families hugs and enjoying a pint of ale ( well I’m more taken by the pint idea and that’s a whole pint not 500ml) .

However, the last few days have taken their toll on Michele, weirdly she has been having Sleepless nights wondering if everything will be OK at Fred’s vet appointment…..

Has his pet passport magically run out of date?

Will every vet in France refuse to see him ?

Has he got some incurable illness ?

I guess maybe we just don’t have enough important things in our lives to worry about, so our brains focus on the most tiny of details of unimportant things….

It’s not like we haven’t been through the process before and mysteriously made it back to the UK, but this time she’s worried !

Its Monday at 10am and we had the dreaded vet appointment. Michele is always nervous before we take Fred to the vet, and while if she’s honest she knows he is only going for a tablet and to have some paperwork done, the thought still has here skipping breakfast and happily parking outside the vets an hour before to wait !

The rules seemed to have changed so you don’t need a check up and the ‘fit to travel part’ is only needed by certain travel companies.

We have a handy link to a very good google map showing vets in Europe and a rough idea of costs. We choose Loudéac as it was pretty much on our route home and had a free aire.

We were welcomed by the lovely Dutch vet who told us that they don’t see many Labradors.

We popped Fred onto the scales and were delighted to see he’d lost a little weight at now only 35.10 kg.

The vet smiled and fed him a treat to check if that was the easiest way to give him the tablets and true to form of a lab he woofed them down, she said she found many dogs did not like the taste, so this was easier for the dog and safer for her fingers rather than trying to just give tablets…..

With the paperwork completed we were off, ready to head back to the UK any time between 24 and 120 hours from now, or in our case Wednesday 10pm.

A nice simple visit to the vets, what was she worried about ?


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